An anger unmasked
The Furies of Greek Myth are Allecto (endless), Tisiphone (punishment) and Magaera (jealous rage). They represent the three aspects of the avenging spirit. They also induce vengeful behaviour. Allecto represents the relentlessness of the vengeful spirit while Tisiphone represents the violent action and Magaera, narrative condemnation.
This spirit can be discerned as a continuous grinding indignation in one who suffers. The constant nagging is the spirit crowding the sufferers consciousness into contemplating a relentless spiral of injustice felt and retribution demanded. The anger can be expressed as frustration because of the improbable factors that can’t be rectified: a shadow has a grip on the object of anger. This clouds all judgement and puts a pall over everything the sufferer needs to deal with.
What one has to do to alleviate the condition is speak truth to the spirit by calling out its lies. The easiest case in point is the scenario I refer to as “woulda, coulda, shoulda” in relation to a past event. It happens in reflection when one is presented with a static memory image or feature either of a person, place or association. An alternate scenario will present as an argument for contemplation. Next an action sequence will occur and an accusation. For one to spot the lies one must examine the presentation carefully and patiently. In this scenario all action sequences or narratives could be lies if they don’t fit with what really happened which is usually nothing and the most obvious to catch. That’s where one can start, with a win by calling out the lie as it tries to attach itself to a memory as a “woulda, coulda, shoulda” scenario. If nothing untoward happened then, then nothing could change that not even the furies being furious that something would have, could have or should have.
But that’s not all for one must also be diligent in detecting and dismantling this fortress of demonacles. It’s what is meant by a spiritual battle, to fight the good fight.
An instruction practiced results in the banishment of the vengeful spirit by virtue of its inability to re-present arguments, false narratives or action sequences. This has been my experience over a very long time, finally discovering recently the handles on the tools we already have. This isn’t all there is to it either. I feel I’ve found the identity to this certain condition should properly be classified as spiritual because the remedy is and so is its basis. This isn’t about moderating behaviour to manage anger but about trying to tell the truth to the dumb spirit and realizing success when you don’t hear back from it.