How old is the Earth: Solving the Genesis debate
Thank-you, God for Saint Peter.
Thank-you, God for Saint Paul.
Thank-you, God for Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Thank-you, God for one and all.
Dear Genesirs,
This is off the top of my head, I hope I make myself clear.
It’s been 6000 some odd years since the fall of man this year, 2021.
Before that was eternity past when one day with the Lord was like a thousand years and a thousand years was like one day. Then were the generations of the Heavens and the Earth. It’s impossible to count time in eternity just as it’s impossible to recreate the pristine Earth before Noah’s flood. It’s quite possible that the earth had started fracturing at the time of the fall too. There’s no reconciling the time that Adam had before the fall. That falls in the eternity past time-frame before dust and volcanoes and continents and stormy weather.
The Glory of God is everywhere. I used to be a software (S/W) engineer. One language I was proficient in is C++. It’s programming paradigm is about classes. Later development brought COM (Component Object Model, Microsoft) and CORBA (similar to COM with a Request Broker included, not Microsoft) are used to designate how a S/W component is instantiated to provide the services of Methods, Events and Properties (class) to provide a servicable feature to any program that connects and uses it. In COM, a program uses a handle to the Object and can use any number of instances of that Object besides (CORBA has the Brokerage as an analogy of a handle). Each instance of the Object can be manipulated in such a way as to customize the properties so that methods and events used are uniquely contained. This is where God comes in. He does things like using his saints to create facimilies of Eternity (or His Word and any part thereof which are eternal). He did it here in S/W engineering and I’ve used it for analogous contemplation.
The COM doesn’t have any instance of use by itself. It must be connected to and then used. It’s like a template for use. I liken each day of creation as an instance of an eternal creation, an object attached to in order to use it’s features in a customized fashion.
If I had a COM Object called Eternity, I would instantiate seven instances of it and uniquely name them dayOne, dayTwo and so on to daySeven. I would setup an event listener on each instance that wouldn’t process until the preceding dayNumbered object performed it’s sunset event. I’d setup each days properties so as to perform tasks appropriate for each day. I’d also setup listener events for prayers of the saints to add the miraculous. I’d then start the job to run until done. At the events listed in The Book of Revelation, an event would fire and time would be no more. There would be a summary judgment about went on in those days and then I would instantiate and call dayEight and run for all eternity.
Eternity is a concept that’s inconceivable. An instance of eternity is indivisible such that any instant in eternity is like all eternity.
Would you please relegate all discusion of time to the only time we know: from the fall of Adam. Eternity preceeds that and after our mortal time, eternity again.
There’s no such time preceeding the fall of Adam. No day, week, month, year, thousands or even millions of years. They don’t exist because they fall into the realm of eternity past, indivisible.
I used to watch “Time Team.” They would dig down about three feet and discover Roman ruins. That’s almost 2,000 years ago. Nine feet is about the maximum we can dig before we run into the top layer after the flood. Before the first flood layer is probably another two and a half feet of Adam to Noah. Prior to Adam’s fall is eternity the measurement of which time cannot be comprehended.
As for using eras in measuring layers of dirt, don’t. Use a yard stick not time. Time is the wrong measuring instrument. Use the words that describe the dirt layer without the era postfix. That’ll solve the wash of muck that covered the creatures when the deluge did it’s deed.
Please, I implore you, forget that secular time scale to measure dirt. It’s incredible. It also infuriates me… millions of years? Stop that! It’ll confuse rather than strengthen. This will also, ultimately, end the literal six days of creation vs. the long time divisions and debate.